I’m aiming to be brief and to the point this month.
We’re currently spending a few days in the Cotswolds, in an impossibly picturesque English village, all narrow lanes lined with sandstone cottages, some of which even have thatched roofs, and walking among posh English types who dress like people you think might be about to ask you for the moneyfor a cup of tea but then talk like the Queen (we’ve mostly met women when we’ve been out and about). But that’s not why this is almost a week late. The strange date and day of the week are due to the fact that I’m launching the new freebie via a Bookfunnel group promo. [Ed – This has now expired, but the book is still available via this link!]
The cover looks like this:

As usual, I had lengthy discussions about it with my cover designer, and it was pretty much what I wasafter. And yet when I first saw it, I thought, ‘Good gracious! Is this for one of my books?’
It is. It features Red and Lieutenant Laguerre, as you can see. There’s a good deal of action, a hint of intrigue, and maybe just enough time for our two heroes to get to know each other a little …
Hope you enjoy it. I’m going to get straight back to the revision of the Callisto story when I get home (or before!), which is still on target for a pre-Christmas publication date. No more time for holidays!