About Matthew Kipwell
Matthew Kipwell, 1988

(Picture caption: Gig in support of Ukraine in April)
This is not a CV!
And I’m not trying to somehow convince readers that I know what I’m talking about! So, although I worked in IT for over twenty years, for example, I’m anything but an expert in any of the different forms of AI. Having said that, it seems to me that these days almost any “clever” piece of software is described as artificial intelligence when in fact it’s often just a nice bit of old-fashioned coding, the machine simply doing what it’s been told. And way back when, in the world before the Internet took over our lives, nobody in IT ever talked about “algorithms”. Are the journalists trying to help us understand what’s going on or do they just want to scare everyone?
More by way of an excuse than anything else, here’s a brief bio:
Wrote a letter to Patrick Moore about Saturn’s rings and then studied civil engineering.
Post-classical history
Worked as a water engineer in Malawi and then for VSO in Sudan.
Early modern era
MSc in what they used to call ‘Computer Studies’ and then twenty years as a systems analyst/programmer. Captained a cricket team and sort of learned to play drums.
Late modern era
Schizophrenic existence over ten years as a freelance technical translator by day and author of the Backdoor Angels series of novels and short stories by night (and sometimes during the day).
In the process of publishing five novels and five short stories between March 2022 and December 2025. And why not?